Saturday, November 8, 2008

Week 12

Our group for the multimedia assignment got together for the first time on Thursday, and actually made a lot of progress in our short meeting.  We quickly decided on a product: a sports/ energy drink.  We brainstormed names, such as LiquidRush, and eventually came up with BuJu.  It sounded intense, and we thought a name that rolled off the tongue would quickly gain popularity.  This name also steered the direction of our campaign.  We decided that BuJu was from a tree deep in the jungle and until it was recently discovered, only the fierce natives of the area where the BuJu fruit grew knew of its powers.  We found this idea enticing, and tried to expand it into all areas of our advertising campaign. 
radio ad- drums in the background, a deep, intense voice telling how this secret fruit has been discovered in the heart of the jungle
billboard- an image of the bottle (which will look somewhat similar to a tree trunk) and branches growing out of it, the word BuJu and a slogan featured prominently on the sign
print ad- a glowing bottle of BuJu up on a pedestal deep in the forest, possibly fierce natives around
commercial-shaky camera- person filming is running through the jungle, saying how they must find the BuJu juice, war-painted natives w/ spears come out of forest/  person running with camera finally reaches the juice (up high on a pedestal, like in print add) and gulps it down

pathos-the excitement of these scenes, and the intense that the juice seems to invoke will make people want that intense feeling with more energy as well as better sports performance 
logos- if all these people want this juice, and it is a secret that makes these natives so fierce, it must make me strong and energetic
ethos- perhaps BuJu could be from the makers of a famous drink, such as Gatorade, to give it credibility
audience- athletic/active people from age 11-30, it is slightly more geared towards males (the advertising campaign is more typically masculine), but woman can also find this promised athletic prowess enticing

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