Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week 1

So I did my reading for this week, which was fairly interesting.  I enjoyed looking at the political cartoons.  They definitely were about topics that I am interested in and am familiar with.  The piece by Doug Marlette was very persuasive.  Seeing how he argued his point so effectively was a good way to learn about rhetoric.
I am having mixed feelings about this class.  It is very similar to my AP English Language class, which makes sense, because I am basically re-taking it due to the four I got on my exam.  I enjoy argument and rhetoric, but one semester was enough for me.  I feel like I have not had an english class that is literature based for a few years and I think that type of course would be good for me.  This class seems entertaining, however, and hopefully I will get a lot out of it.
Setting up my blog was easy, and I do feel cool now that I know how to "blog."  Well until next week, I'm out!

1 comment:

Deanna D. said...

Your comments about the class versus your AP class totally make sense. Unfortunately, since this is a requirement, there is no way around it. All that I can say is, be patient, and hopefully you will get something else out of 103 which will hold you over until you are a sophomore and can take a lit course! Deanna